This month, our nation marked the 70th anniversary of the monumental Brown v. Board of Education decision that began to integrate public schools. Decades later, dedicated education advocates throughout North Carolina continue the movement for lasting school integration despite efforts to undermine our state’s public schools. Real, lasting integration and equitable school funding are inextricably linked, and the NC Justice Center along with our partners are working hard to spotlight the strategies that will get us closer to achieving those goals.

You are an important part of the movement for a more just and equitable North Carolina. I hope you’ll consider joining us in the coming months to uplift the causes we all care so deeply about. In June, you can participate in our education advocacy day, and, in September, you are invited to celebrate this year’s Defenders of Justice awardees at our annual gala.

I’m grateful to you as we stand together to work toward dismantling the systemic roots of poverty in North Carolina. Thank you for your partnership.

In solidarity, Reggie Shuford


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