RALEIGH (April 10, 2020) – In celebration of National Public Health Week, the NC Justice Center has released two timely fact sheets demonstrating the need to expand Medicaid to help North Carolinians survive the public health crisis during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.
Read the fact sheets here and here.
Prior to the COVID-19 crisis, North Carolina had one of the largest uninsured populations in the nation, with over 1 million uninsured residents, representing 13 percent of all North Carolinians.
In recent weeks, staggering job loss claims have led to an estimated 105,000 North Carolinians who have lost coverage through their employer sponsored health insurance plans, furthering the case for expanding Medicaid during an unprecedented pandemic and economic recession.
These two policy fact sheets provide compelling evidence for why the N.C. General Assembly needs to expand Medicaid more than ever.
Before North Carolina experiences a devastating surge and the peak of the COVID-19 crisis, we urge the N.C. General Assembly to expand Medicaid for our public health, our healthcare systems, and our residents. When we invest in public health, we invest in us.