Litigation Award
Law Firm of Robinson Bradshaw
Robinson Bradshaw has a long history of working with the North Carolina Justice Center on critical cases affecting people with low incomes in North Carolina. The firm recently served as counsel with the NCJC and CCLA in a class action filed against Lake Arbor, a large apartment complex in Mecklenburg County. Julian H. Wright, Jr., the Robinson Bradshaw attorney who worked on the case and was actively engaged in the litigation, was essential to our victory on the tenants’ behalf. Robinson Bradshaw has also served as lead counsel in another significant case, Hyatt v. Shalala, a class action filed on behalf of North Carolina’s disabled citizens against the Social Security Administration. Robinson Bradshaw prosecuted the case through its 20-year run in the federal courts, including the U.S. Supreme Court. As a result, approximately 150,000 North Carolinians won new disability hearings under new standards, and the Social Security Administration revised a national regulation on disability. Due to their devotion, determination, and advocacy, the North Carolina Justice Center is proud to be in partnership with Robinson Bradshaw.
- Robinson Bradshaw has long recognized a civic and professional responsibility to address the unmet legal needs of the indigent and disadvantaged population.
- They provide pro bono services to individuals and organizations that assist this underserved population, including matters referred by Legal Aid of North Carolina, Inc., Mecklenburg County Bar Domestic Violence program, Legal Services for the Elderly, Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy and the Council for Children’s Rights.
- Lawyers at the firm provide pro bono assistance to nonprofit charitable organizations in the community. Services include corporate organization, financing, real estate acquisitions and other business transactions.
- The firm also performs pro bono criminal work, particularly in the areas of appointed criminal appeals and post-conviction capital representation.
- They demonstrate exceptional representation of clients in high-impact cases that protect and expand the rights of low-income groups and individuals, and for this, they are Defenders of Justice!