The North Carolina Justice Center’s mission is to eliminate poverty in North Carolina by ensuring that every household in the state has access to the resources, services, and fair treatment it needs to achieve economic security.

To make opportunity and prosperity for all  a reality, we work toward:

  • Jobs that are safe, pay a living wage, and provide benefits
  • Access to quality and affordable health care
  • Quality public education for every child
  • Consumer protections from abusive practices
  • Safe and affordable housing
  • Public investments that expand opportunities for economic security
  • A fair and stable revenue system that adequately funds public investments while fairly distributing tax responsibility
  • A more fair criminal justice system, from arrest to reentry
  • Fair treatment for everyone in North Carolina – regardless of race, ethnicity, country of origin, religion, disability, sex, gender identity, or sexual orientation

Our staff has improved the lives of hundreds of thousands of people in North Carolina. The NC Justice Center’s effectiveness in advocating for policies that improve the lives of people in communities throughout North Carolina stems from our unique five-strategy approach, which enables us to attack problems with the most effective tools.

  • Litigation – Our experienced attorneys take on high-impact cases that protect and expand the rights of workers, consumers, immigrants, and families with low incomes.
  • Public Policy Advocacy – Our skilled advocates work with government officials and allies to secure laws and policies that protect and expand economic security.
  • Research – Our expert analysts assess the social and economic challenges confronting families and communities with low incomes and develop policy recommendations that promote shared prosperity.
  • Community Outreach – Our educators and facilitators partner with community groups and leaders to create movements for change.
  • Communications – Our writers and media specialists generate a wealth of content for both new and traditional media in order to inform the public dialogue and influence state policy.

The NC Justice Center is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, working on issues of concern to North Carolinians with low incomes.