Removing barriers to healthcare is critical work. Moving forward, we will:
- Advocate at the Legislature for passage of a “clean” bill to expand health coverage through the state’s Medicaid program and work to prevent harmful provisions in the bill.
- Produce accurate, diverse communications materials and disseminate our research to the public, as well as engage in impactful, power-building storytelling.
- Work with our partners in the Health Action NC and Southerners4MedEx coalitions to carry out direct actions.
With your support, we are able to do more than advocate for communities—we are able to advocate with communities.
For two months we worked in partnership with Fayetteville residents to document health issues in their communities through photography. Together, we created a powerful exhibition that spurred community conversations and attracted the attention of their local lawmakers.
To learn more about our Photovoice event, visit this link!