Read an overview of the North Carolina Justice Center
Let’s Work Together To Eliminate Poverty
Our action plan is smart and comprehensive, employing a multi-issue, multi-strategy approach to ensure the creation of an economy that works for everyone. This includes increasing public and political will to grow progressive, inclusive policies that advance equity and opportunity.
Make an investment in our work for long term impact! Make a gift today at

See Details Read an overview of our consumer, home & energy workThe Consumer, Housing & Energy Project is dedicated to improving housing conditions for people with people with low incomes and to protecting North Carolinians from harmful and abusive business practices.
Access to decent, affordable housing is a basic human necessity. Make a gift today!

See Details Read an overview of our education workThe Education & Law Project seeks to improve and reform public education from pre-K to 12th grade through policy research, community outreach, and litigation. We are committed to ensuring students of color, students with disabilities, students from families with low incomes, and students that are otherwise disadvantaged have access to high-quality education.
With proper educational funding we can change lives! Make a gift today!

See Details Read an overview of our criminal justice workThe Fair Chance Criminal Justice Project partners with impacted people, congregations, concerned community members, advocacy organizations, and decision-makers to change local and states policies and practices to make the criminal justice system more fair from arrest to reentry.
We need your support to ensure a better North Carolina for all. Make a gift today!

See Details Read an overview of our health workThe Health Advocacy Project works to ensure all North Carolinians, including individuals and families with low incomes, racial and ethnic minorities, and rural communities, have meaningful access to high quality, affordable, equitable, and comprehensive health care so that children, adults, and families have better health outcomes and productive lives.
With your support, we can do more than advocate for communities—we advocate with communities. Make a gift today!

See Details Read an overview of our immigrant and refugee rights workWe believe everyone deserves fair treatment, regardless of race, ethnicity, or country of origin. Unfortunately, immigrants are often excluded from other programs that offer legal services to people with low incomes. Because they may lack access to legal protections, immigrants are more likely to become victims of abuse by unscrupulous businesses and employers. Such violations undermine the well-being of everyone in the state.
Legal representation is a lifeline when there are high-stakes consequences for all family members involved. Make a gift today!

See Details Read an overview of our workers' rights workThe Workers’ Rights Project is fighting to make sure everyone in North Carolina has a quality job and the support they need when out of a job. We strive to enforce and expand policies that ensure safe workplaces, fair treatment, a living wage, and a strong safety net in times of hardship.
Help us continue to work towards common-sense policies for all working North Carolinians. Make a gift today!