March 7 from 5:30 to 7:30 PM
A reception to present Pam with the Champion of Justice Award, for her years of extraordinary advocacy and commitment to public health, community health and healthcare for all.
Steering Committee:
Leah McCall Devlin, DDS, MPH
Mark Holmes
Julie Mooney
Adam Searing
Jane Wettach
The Honorable Leslie Winner
Paul Baldasare & Jane Wettach
Sandra Greene
Jim Overton & Mary Mountcastle
David Cecelski & Laura Hanson
Rich & Julie Mooney
Burton Craige
Martin Eakes & Bonnie Wright
Priscilla Guild
Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust
Dan Hudgins & Ann McKown
Rep. Marcia Morey & Carolyn Lekavich
Bruce Orenstein & Nancy MacLean
Gerald Postema & The Honorable Leslie Winner
Bob Schall & Susan Lupton
Attorney General Josh & Anna Stein
Brad & Carole Wilson
William David Austin & Pamela George
Tom & Ellen Bacon
Lanier Blum
Scott Bradley & Kelley Shinn
Beth Briggs
Steve Cline
Dana N. Courtney
George Danser & Jean Cary
Dr. Leah McCall Devlin
Elise Elliott
Chuck Eppinette & Carol Anderson
Kevin FitzGerald, MPA
Foundation for Health Leadership & Innovation
Adrienne Fox
Narendra Ghosh
Lisa Grafstein & the Honorable Linda Stephens
Phillip Graham & Anita Brown-Graham
Lark Hayes & Jane Preyer
Bob Jackson & Anne Deloria
Linda Kinney & Sally Wilson
Bob Konrad & Susan Russell
William & Martha Lamb
William Lang
Greg Malhoit & Melinda Lawrence
Ann McColl
Lloyd Michener, MD
John Morris & Laura Benedict
Coin Page & Carolyn McAllaster
Tom Ricketts, Ph.D., MPH
Kenneth Rose & Beth Silberman
Richard Rosen & Becky Slifkin
Bill Rowe & Suzy Pollitt
Saladelia Catering
Mayor Stephen Schewel & Lao Rubert
Adam Searing & Mimi Chapman
Bob Seligson
Carolyn Sexton & Alene Watson
Ann Sjoerdsma
Dr. David Lucas “Luke” & Caroline Smith
Adam & Jane Stein
Gina Upchurch
Torlen Wade
John & Julie Woodmansee