Historically Underutilized Businesses: Opportunities for Growth in N.C.

Businesses owned by individuals deemed to be historically disadvantaged have faced challenges, past and present, accessing capital and navigating industry social structures. This hinders their ability to compete in the procurement market, which is the process intended to promote fair and open competition for public sector business while minimizing risk, such as exposure to fraud and collusion.

Ten Years After the Great Recession, N.C. has an Economy that Works for Some

This report documents the persistence of long-standing economic inequalities (particularly along racial lines), a deepening divide between wealthy investors and everyone else, a lack of robust job growth overall, and the continued concentration of economic opportunity in a few metropolitan areas.

County Economic Snapshots 2018

The Budget & Tax Center‘s Economic Snapshots provide a look at how well counties in North Carolina are faring across key indicators of economic well-being and opportunity.

Corporations over Carolinians?

This report looks at how corporate taxes have been slashed at the state and federal levels, provides evidence that wealthy shareholders are the prime beneficiaries of corporate tax cuts, and shows that corporate tax cuts have not solved North Carolina’s most pressing economic problems.

2019 Budget Fails to Effectively Address N.C.’s Existing and Emerging Needs

Lawmakers approved a 2019 fiscal year state budget that falls short of helping all North Carolinians live healthy, prosperous lives. The final state budget, passed by the NC General Assembly after overturning Governor Cooper’s veto, continues to underinvest in areas of great public need and neglects to account for upcoming federal budget cuts.

Income tax rate cap amendment is costly for taxpayers, communities

This BTC Report analyzes the proposal to cap the state’s income tax paid by individuals and corporations at a maximum allowable rate of 7 percent with particular focus on the costs of such a move for the state and for everyday North Carolina taxpayers.

The Cost of Creating Barriers to Vote

Six state Constitutional amendments will be on the ballot this fall, and none received an official fiscal note in the 2018 legislative process to assess the costs of implementation to the state. Of particular interest is the proposal to require a photo identification at the voting booth. This report provides preliminary estimates of the costs to state and local governments and, thus, to all taxpayers, as well as the specific costs to individuals who currently don’t have identification.

Harnessing the Capital From Opportunity Zones Toward Equitable Development Goals

This BTC report provides an overview of what is currently known about the Opportunity Zones and provides a preliminary analysis of the Opportunity Zones selected in North Carolina. As well, directions for future work are identified to ensure that the benefits to existing residents in Opportunity Zones are realized.

Powering Up Prosperity: Accelerating Businesses of Color in North Carolina

As North Carolina considers the work of building long-term resiliency, the role of businesses owned by people of color should be a central consideration. This BTC Report details the potential to support the economic growth of the local economy and drive wealth to communities through a focus on supporting businesses owned by people of color.