YOUR VOICE, YOUR VOTE: Food Insecurity

Many North Carolinians—including children, families, and older adults—face hunger and go without adequate and nutritious foods on a regular basis. North Carolina is …

Hunger in North Carolina

Every night, people in almost 630,000 North Carolina households don’t have enough to eat. North Carolina has the 8th highest rate of food …

Higher Costs for Half a Million North Carolinians in Every Congressional District Under the American Health Care Act

These one-page fact sheets that show how many constituents in each of North Carolina’s 13 congressional districts stand to lose financial help that makes private health insurance coverage affordable. Under the American Health Care Act, each of North Carolina’s congressional districts stands to lose coverage gains achieved under the Affordable Care Act.

Abandonment of Federal Commitment to NC’s Health & Well-Being Hurts Us All

Block grant and per-capita proposals reduce the federal commitment to the health and well-being of residents in North Carolina by fundamentally altering the requirement that states serve the health care needs of individuals who meet eligibility standards. The goal of block grant and per-capita proposals is to reduce federal spending dedicated to healthcare.

Radical Tax Cap Would Put North Carolina in a Permanent Bind

The Constitutional amendment would permanently freeze the state’s top personal income tax rate at 5.5 percent at a high cost to North Carolina’s communities. With the rate already set to fall to 5.25 percent on January 1, 2019 due to legislative action, the cap would cut off a vital source of revenue for the future as the state grows.

Conservative New Budget and State Policies are Hurting Women

Rather than enacting policies that narrow this gender gap and increase women’s economic security, state lawmakers have consistently pursued policies that create significant barriers for low-income women and their families.