Time for a Raise: Why increasing minimum wage is good for NC

Many North Carolina workers are locked in low-wage jobs that don’t pay enough to make ends meet, even though they’re working full-time. Over the long-term, state lawmakers need to implement a comprehensive strategy that creates pathways out of this low-wage economy.

Making the Most of Medicaid for Your Child

The Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic and Treatment (EPSDT) benefit is built into the child Medicaid program to make sure that children receive the right kind of care when they need it. EPSDT places importance on preventative screenings so that medical needs can be identified early.

Informing Providers About EPSDT

The Early and Periodic Screening Diagnostic and Treatments (EPSDT) benefit ensures that children who are enrolled in Medicaid receive the care they need when they need it. EPSDT services follow age-specific schedules recommended by the American Association of Pediatrics and the Bright Futures Foundation Periodicy Schedule and are typically built into regular child wellness visits.

Taking Away People’s Health Care Won’t Move People to Work

Cutting off people’s basic living standards by taking away their healthcare only makes it harder for them get back on their feet. Rather than punishing North Carolinians who are already facing economic hardship, Congress and North Carolina lawmakers should focus on policies that close the coverage gap and invest in the systems that connect people to the training and job placement services needed in today’s labor market.

Immigrant-Owned Small Businesses

One of the important—and often overlooked—roles that immigrants play in North Carolina’s economy is that of entrepreneur.

RECLAIM NC Act will not deliver on public safety goals

HB 786, or the RECLAIM NC Act, is a comprehensive immigration enforcement measure for North Carolina. Among other things, the proposal would require undocumented immigrants to register for driving privileges and increase penalties for those who don’t qualify for them. If enacted, the bill would affect all North Carolinians, regardless of immigration status.

House Bill 318: Identification Provisions

HB 318 was passed by the General Assembly but is not yet the law in North Carolina. There is much we still don’t know about the way the bill will affect communities.