Women need a raise

Everybody in North Carolina deserves to earn enough to make ends meet, and nobody who works full time should live in poverty. Yet the current minimum wage of $7.25 traps thousands of working people in poverty—and the burden is especially born by working women, many of whom earn less hour for hour than men doing the same work.

Important Changes Coming to NC Medicaid

North Carolina Medicaid has contracted with private health plans to manage care for most people with Medicaid and NC Health Choice (CHIP) coverage. There are important things you need to know.

Arkansas’s Failed Experiment: Work Reporting Requirements in Medicaid

In June 2018, Arkansas began requiring Medicaid expansion enrollees ages 30-49 to report each month about whether or not they engaged in 80 hours of work, or other qualifying activities, in order to receive Medicaid coverage. If enrollees don’t report, or if they report insufficient hours for any three months out of the year, they lose their Medicaid coverage and are locked out from reapplying until the next calendar year.