NC Senate and House conferees push budget adjustments into harmful Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) bill, prioritizing private school voucher expansion over the needs of public schools and childcare providers across the state

RALEIGH (September 9, 2024) – House Bill 10, a harmful anti-immigrant bill previously introduced during the long session, mandated North Carolina sheriffs cooperate with ICE. Today, the conference committee assigned to work out HB 10, introduced their report—which now includes budget adjustments—for consideration by the Senate. The budget adjustments expand the scope of HB 10’s harm beyond immigrant communities in their failure to address the urgent needs of working North Carolinians.

Instead of safeguarding North Carolina’s childcare facilities and fully funding our public school system, the conference report doubles down on private school voucher expansion and remains silent on childcare. This budget proposal—like too many previous budget proposals—reveals a legislature embracing the wrong priorities.

“This proposal puts the interests of the wealthy few above the pressing needs of working parents, Black and Brown folks, people with low incomes, and our immigrant neighbors,” said Reggie Shuford, Executive Director of the NC Justice Center. “Instead of building a state where every family and community is well-resourced and thriving, this budget would hurt everyday North Carolinians working hard to pay their bills and build a better future.”
